Thorocentisis in practice. Courtesy of NHLB. |
Today in 2013, I accompanied my mother to here regular appointment with her heart doctor. I don't remember his name (it was a "he"), but I have a vague recollection of where the office was located.
Mom wasn't allowed to drive, and my driving drove her nuts. She was especially anxious about my driving that day, saying something to the effect that I would kill her with a car accident before she ever died of cancer.
It was a tough day for her. Since we learned she only had one kidney this year when she had an imaging test of her digestive system in March, we knew she was going to have a tough go with everything...especially with chemo. Fluid build-up was becoming a constant this month, and it would get worse as the months continued. Within a week, she had gained seven pounds, all fluid. We knew this, because she had a thorocentisis done on her right lung ten days prior.
Thoracocentesis is a medical procedure where a medical professional inserts a needle into the pleural space (the space between the lungs and chest wall) to remove fluid or air. According to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, a government institution, this imbalance of fluids can be caused by heart, kidney, or liver failure, or other medical conditions.
My mother never complained of any pain from that procedure, because I think she felt such relief. But, talking to mom about pain was difficult, because she preferred the word, "uncomfortable." Often we overlooked things because she refused to say she was in pain.
On this day, th doc pumped her full of Lasix and ordered more Lasix for home use. He then called later that day to stop the Lasix, as her count was far too high compared to ten days prior. Since it was a Friday, she had to ride through the weekend before she could see anyone on Monday. I think this was during a time when hospice had to stop their services and then pick up again later for some reason, probably insurance. Making a note to see if that was the case. At any rate, I don't believe I had anyone to call for weekend help at this time.
I mentioned this visit on Facebook with friends and, of course, received responses of well-wishes and remedies (dandelion tea), and notes from other friends who also were going through cancer treatments. A lot of my friends were so supportive, but it was difficult at time to have to tell some of them that I couldn't do what they suggested, because anything out of balance could throw mom's health off. So, we never touched the dandelion tea.
In several comments I mention my mother's physical capabilities at this point. She was either falling asleep in her chair and spilling coffee all over herself, or she was walking around with no direction, slightly fuzzy-headed and wobbling (I compared her to a dreidel), with a slight fever. She also complained of lower back pain, which was probably her kidney.
It appears my husband left Virginia to return to Kentucky, as I mentioned that she was "acting" well while he was there. As soon as she left she seemed to fall apart. The effort it must have taken for her to mask all those symptoms. I can't and I never could imagine the strength she had to cover her illnesses up. But, she wasn't fond of any illness. She refused to believe when her children were sick. Some long stories there. Perfectionists never like to have lives disrupted by anything as ugly as sickness.
And here she was. The first in our nuclear family to face a diagnosed death prognosis. But, she had already lived well past her three-month predicted time left on earth. Here she was, nine months after her diagnosis, still alive and kicking.