My mother was diagnosed with Stage IV Cholangiocarcinoma (bile duct cancer) in March, 2013. She died at home on June 7, 2014, with her husband and me by her side. This memoir is all about choosing to caregive my mother (and father at times) when I was probably my mother's least likely choice for caregiver. It's been a journey. Please join me.
16 January 2025
A Visit from Former Neighbors, 2014
11 January 2025
The Hospital Releases Mom
On this day in 2014, mom was allowed to return home from the hospital after being in their bed for ten full days. We really didn't expect a release until Monday, as this hospital wasn't fond of releasing patients on weekends. Today in 2014 was a Saturday, and mom was released in the early evening...another oddity.
The doctors had put her on oxygen, as her oxygen levels were low. This situation occurs many times for long-term patients and/or those patients who suffer from lowered immune systems or failing organs. I think we all learned a lot about oxygen levels during the COVID pandemic in 2020.
I wrote that the transition to hospice would begin Sunday morning at 10 am., an appointment that will assess mom's home situation and to conduct patient intake. This is when the real journey begins, as every day was a challenge between my mother had her mercurial attitudes (which she had all her life, not just with the experience of dying), and with learning new medical procedures that I would need to conduct should hospice be unavailable for any reason.
I still have the memory of mom leaving the hospital. It was cold outside, and the nurses brought two blankets from the hospital, which I still have. Those are some great quality blankets right there.