02 January 2025

New Years' Revelations Between 2014 and Now

A photo of my mother circa 1959
Today in 2014, my father and I escorted my mother to the heart center at Lynchburg General Hospital. We were waiting for intake when I posted where we were. It was on that day I wrote, "I asked her if she was in pain, and she replied that she was hurting in her lower back and her right leg. So, I said, "So, you're in pain." And she said, "No, there's a difference between pain and hurting."

That pain issue was addressed later, as was another issue in 2016. On 2 January 2016, I was in Virginia helping dad clean mom's things out of the garage. Those "things" included stained glass pieces, paint, tools, and fabric. She had moved many craft items from the attic to the garage so she didn't have to deal with stairs. She never did allow a surgeon to fix her knees, so that was another source of either pain or hurt.

I mentioned then that I was grateful to have this time with my father. "I know I've mentioned this before, but I really do treasure our alone time. Mom was jealous of the time we had, and I never went into that psycho-drama to figure it out. Maybe some day I will, but not now."

The clarity I needed "some day" occurred in 2024 in sessions with a therapist via Zoom. What that therapist told me in one sentence lent clarity to my entire life with my mother. Not only did I cry for a month, but I was able to finally forgive my mother, and--in that process--was able to begin to pull this journal together.

PHOTO: My mother in Davidsville, Pennsylvania. We lived on the top floor of a farm house in that little village. Mom was probably 25 or 26 years old. I was about 5 years old, and I took this photo with dad's camera.

At this point, mom was seeing an oncologist, a cardiologist, and a nephrologist (kidney specialist).

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