28 September 2014

Off to a Great Start

It's been a hectic week with tons of tasks on my plate, but I'm off to a great start. Outside tending to mom's garden beds and working, I'm also helping dad to downsize his household. That's not an easy task, since mom and dad were married for 60 years. Fortunately, they moved several times, so mom downsized a bit every time they moved. That helped.

Also, I made the nerve-wracking decision to start my Indiegogo funding campaign to pay an editor and to find time to finish the book. The editing will take a good portion of the funds I'm asking for in this effort. This campaign was a month in the making, and I wrung my hands several times over whether or not to do it. But, I firmly believe in what I'm doing. A friend shared this quote last night, and it resonated with me:

"I think one of the big things that holds people back is the sense that they don’t have time to give everything, so what they have to give is not enough. It’s enough. It’s more than enough when you’re willing to give anything."*

I'm willing to give it all, truly. I feel as though my mother and I have partnered happily for the first time in my life as I continue to tell her story about her death and dying.

I'm happy that a few friends so far have trusted me enough to help me in this effort financially -- what a great start! I'm also very, very happy that a few friends have shared this fundraising page among their friends and readers (many of my friends also are published authors). As a result, over one hundred people almost two hundred people have viewed this campaign in the first two three days. Those shares and visits, as well as the initial funds, have helped to keep my efforts on Indiegogo's "trending" front page for a few days.

Please consider helping to keep me on that front page by sharing this effort or by donating at least $5 for a sample of my writing. Maybe, after you read a few pages, you'll believe in this effort, too.

Cancer, caregiving, contentious love
The black and white image is of mom in 1951. The smaller image is of Mom and me the week before she died, May 31, 2014. I wrote the poem in April 2014.

* Thanks, again, to Mara Eve Robbins.

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