20 September 2014

Happy 80th, Mom

Today would have been mom's 80th birthday. I started out hopeful, thinking that this would be a good day for good memories. But, as the day wore on I realized that I was just kidding myself. By the end of the day -- now -- I feel as though I've been beat emotionally and physically with a heavy wet towel.

I can't find any birthday photos of mom that we might have around here. In fact, I can't even remember what we did for her 79th birthday last year, even though I know I was here. I'm just too overwhelmed to try to find my notes.

On the up side, mom lived longer than most other parents, especially those I know about who died from cholangiocarcinoma. She had a good life, for the most part. At least her photos tell me so.

Chalking this day up as a learning experience.

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